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An Information Technology & Vocational Training Awareness Programmes     An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organization     Registered Under Ministry of Corporate Affairs Govt. of India

Certificate in Tally Prime with GST


  1. Introduction & Starting
  2. Quitting from Tally Prime
  3. The Tally Prime Screen
  4. Creating A New Company
  5. The Gateway of Tally Prime
  6. Accounting Feature/Inventory Features
  7. Creating/Viewing & Altering Masters
  8. Accounts Information
  9. Ledgers Creation, Display & Alter
  10. Inventory Information
  11. Creation Inventory Items
  12. Voucher Creation
  13. Voucher Types/Contra Entry
  14. Purchases Entry
  15. Invoice / Sales Entry
  16. Reports
  17. Trial Balance
  18. Profit & loss Account
  19. Balance Sheet
  20. Stock Statements
  21. Inventory Books
  22. Day Book
  23. Journal Entry
  24. Adjusting Entry
  25. Detailed Ledger Report / Transactions

Duration : 3 Month

Eligibility : 10th Pass

Course Fees: Rs.4500/-